Natalie grew up in Europe often relocating from country to country of Mediterranean Sea. Her mother is a talented seamstress and taught her to sew when she was just 14-years-old, igniting a lifelong passion for creating feminine styles with a twist.
In 2012, after more than 20 years of honing design skills creating garments for friends and loved ones from France, Greece, Spain and Italy, Natalie Marseille was launched in New Zealand. Taking inspiration from a variety of sources including cultures, countries, books, films and life experiences, Natalie Marseille garments are all designed and handmade from the tranquility of our workshop in Auckland, New Zealand.
In 2016 using the world’s premium fiber, New Zealand Merino, Natalie Marseille started offering highest quality garments in New Zealand. Natalie and her team design from the heart and follow their instincts with the aim of creating beautiful feminine garments which will bring the women who wear them much joy.
In 2018 Natalie Marseille expanded its production line and became available in Australia, China, the United States as well as parts of Europe. Although our garments are now available worldwide, we still stick to our principles and offer a only a limited garments ensuring that you are wearing a unique garment envied by many but owned by few.