Why are merino products better than synthetic products?

Merino is fast making its way to the top of the consumer market with the popularity of merino based sportswear, baby and children wear and next-to-skin wear products. Merino products tend to be more expensive than their competitors, however given all that this natural fibre product has to offer, merino products are well worth every dollar.

Although synthetic fabrics have excellent attributes and uses, no other fibre can match the amazing properties that merino wool has. Comfort, softness, lightness, elasticity and breathability are just the tip of the iceberg of what merino has to offer.


Merino wool is made of the finest grades of wool from the Merino sheep and is prized for being very soft and comfortable against the skin.

Modern technology is able to sort and select only the finest merino fibres, and this is used to produce fabric that is worn next to the skin without discomfort.

Merino wool is extremely fine; it is about one-third to one-tenth the thickness of human hair. The finer the wool, the many more fibres contained in the fabric. This means that the fabric is able to trap more tiny air pockets and can thus lock in more body heat giving merino super insulating properties.


Merino wool is also well known to be highly breathable. This is because individual fibres can absorb up to 30% of their own weight in moisture, and can wick moisture away from the body, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable regardless of the temperature.

This means that merino can regulate body temperature and keep you warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather.

Merino wool is also the softest of all the wool types and is suitable for allergic skin as it does not cause allergic reactions.

Another feature of merino wool fibre is their fine, soft and crimped nature. This allows for a strong elasticity that enhances its high-performance qualities.

It also has natural anti-microbial properties, which makes it odour resistant.

Other properties include its extreme durability, anti-static nature and fire resistance, making it ideal for a range of clothing products.


Medical studies have also shown that merino wool bedding products help improve sleeping patterns of babies.

Merino sleeping products such as sleeping bags, baby wraps and blankets breathe more naturally than synthetic products and regulate body temperature of infants. This means that the body gets to a comfortable sleeping temperature faster and stays there longer, which is imperative for a good night’s sleep.


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